Why choose Personnel Avenue?

Our clients have come back from level 4 lockdown. Things are starting to get back on track, although it will be different than before. This can be a great opportunity. Although some companies may have had to downsize, close down and even change their way of doing work, we are still here. As we ease into the new normal, we will continue to put people first.

We continue seeking opportunities suitable for their skills, as we know the importance of being able to work. With the new way of the work and changes in the workplace, there also comes new ways of assisting you.

Hope keeps dreams and destinies alive.

Your Search is Complete

Personnel Avenue wants you to find employment. We take the time to TALK to you and we know that you are more than just your experience listed on your cv. We will find out more about YOU, and know that you are able to do what you say you can do.

It is based on this that we are confident when referring your cv on for the position we have discussed with you.

We Want To Help You Find Your Dream Job

We want to ensure you get the best opportunities at any potential employer and present yourself in the optimal manner. When you drop off your cv-  we spend time coaching you in your cv presentation, give  interview skills and personal presentation tips. 

Short Term Contracts

We often hear “I will do anything, even if it is just temping first”.

Our experience has been that the route of being available for temporary and flexible assignments creates many more opportunities, and you also gain from the exposure to many more companies, and your skills are at least maintained and even grow in these assignments.

Our candidates have often been taken permanently at a company where they have just started out on a temporary assignment first. 

Permanent Positions

We know your top priority is your next career opportunity, and we are focused on finding you the right match. Personnel Avenue has developed a large client base that spans many industries. We are largely Gauteng based, but are placing candidates across South Africa.

Whether your skills are office-type, technical, and senior or entry-level, we will do what we can to assist you in matching you with our clients’ requirements, in a place where you can develop a career and not only just have work.

We have a committed team that awaits to help you the best way we can. You can contact any one of us to guide you.